Please find below our FAQs that address any concerns and/or common queries. Please feel free to write to us with any feedback or any queries you cannot find here.

Who to contact?

‘Rachel or Paula on 01256355719/07301268139 or email [email protected] or use the contact form on our

What happens if I am late to pick up my child?

Please see our late collection policy. We understand that occasional delays are sometimes unavoidable; however, if this happens repeatedly, a charge for every 15 minutes over collection time will be made.

Attendance/Holiday Absence

You are required to inform us if your child is absent and why; text is preferred. Any absence, be it illness or holiday, is charged at the usual rate.

How is my child protected against allergies?

All staff are made aware of individual allergies and needs, and where necessary, procedures are amended to cater for these. These will be discussed with you in advance and an action plan implemented if needed outside of our usual procedures.

What happens if my child becomes ill or is hurt during preschool hours?

All staff are trained first aiders. If your child has a minor injury, staff will deal with it, record the details on an incident or accident form and this will be shared with you when you fetch your child. In the event of a more serious injury, or if your child is unwell, we will follow our ‘When a child is ill’ procedures or our emergency procedures; the first of which is to try to contact you or your named contacts.

Process to Join  as a Preschool Commitee Member

A member of the management team will provide you with the relevant forms, and will support you in applying for an enhanced DBS disclosure and completing the Ofsted EY2 form. You will need to provide photo ID and proof of address.