Activities & Programmes

Daily Sessions

Morning Session

Time Activity
Children are greeted at the gate by staff, hang up their coats and bags on their named pegs and put their own lunch away in the trolley.  They then self-register using our registration stones, choosing between two books for the later story time
Toothbrushing. Each child has their own named toothbrush and are provided with a square of kitchen towel with toothpaste on it. They brush their teeth as a group to one of our toothbrushing songs.
Snack Time. Children are encouraged to make their own snack from a range of healthy options. Child safe knives are provided and fully supervised for them to cut their own fruits/vegetables and spreading toast. They also pour their own water from a jug to encourage drinking from an open cup. Washing up water and a cloth are available for the children to wash up their own plates, cups and cutlery afterwards.
Outdoor/Free Play/Key Carer Time

Children benefit from our large outdoor space that allows them to learn about nature and develop their gross physical skills on a larger scale. This in turn develops their fine motor skills ready for writing at school. We have a UV protected canopy for those very sunny days and currently have access to a large field to explore as a group. The areas in the playground have been zoned to cover all areas of learning with both noisy and quiet spaces available.

Practitioners spend this time with their key children in short adult led activities.
Tidy Up Time.

While this may seem like a chore, this is a valuable skill in teaching children how to look after the resources and their environment. It also provides time to re-set the pre-school as an invitation to play for the afternoon session.
Group Time – Story and Songs

Democracy rules – the book chosen by the most children at registration is read, followed by songs and rhymes suggested by them. This brief time as a whole group also develops the ability to sit and focus for short periods of time. This skill is essential to learning.

Afternoon Session

Time Description

Lunchtime is a good opportunity to develop social skills and turn taking in conversation. We are a healthy pre-school and families are encouraged to pack healthy lunches and water in their bottles. On a Friday morning with the older children, we try fruits and vegetables from around the world and the children prepare and eat their own lunch from ingredients provided by the pre-school.
Outdoor Play/Free Play and Key Carer Time

As the morning session

As the morning session

Children are collected by their families/carers who come into the setting. The children are encouraged to find their own bags, coats and to empty their drawers of any art work/letters that need to go home. This is a time where we can have a quick chat about the child’s day and address any queries that may arise. This feedback is essential for a strong relationship between staff and families.