Policies & Procedure
- 01.01 Risk assessment
- 01.02 Group rooms and corridors
- 01.03 Kitchen
- 01.04 Children's bathrooms changing areas
- 01.06 Short trips, outings and excursions
- 01.07 Outdoors
- 01.08 Staff cloakrooms
- 01.09 Maintenance and repairs
- 01.10 Laundry area
- 01.11 Staff personal safety
- 01.12 Threats and abuse towards staff and volunteers
- 01.13 Entrances and approach to the building
- 01.14 Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
- 01.15 Manual handling
- 01.16 Festival (and other) decorations
- 01.17 Jewellery and hair accessories
- 01.19 Face painting and mehndi
- 01.20 Notifiable incident, non-child protection
- 01.21 Terrorist threat attack and lock-down
- 01.22 Closed circuit television
- 06.01 Responding to safeguarding or child protection concerns
- 06.01b Safeguarding incident reporting form
- 06.02 Allegations against staff, volunteers or agency staff
- 06.03 Visitor or intruder on the premises
- 06.04 Uncollected child
- 06.05 Missing child
- 06.06 Incapacitated parent
- 06.07 Death of a child on-site
- 06.08 Looked after children
- 06.09 E-safety
- 06.10 Key person supervision
- 09.01 Waiting list and admissions
- 09.01a About our childcare
- 09.01b Application to join
- 09.01d Childcare terms and conditions
- 09.02 Absence
- 09.03 Prime times - The role of the key person
- 09.04 Prime times - Settling in and transitions
- 09.05 Establishing children's starting points
- 09.06 Prime times - Arrivals and departures
- 09.08 Prime times - Snack-times and mealtimes (older children)
- 09.09 Prime times - Intimate care and nappy changing
- 09.12 Promoting positive behaviour
- 09.13 Identification, assessment and support for children with SEND
- 09.14 Prime times - Transition to school
- 09.15 Progress check at age two